Comparing Energy Suppliers' Late Payment Charges

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Here you can compare late payment fees charged by Alberta energy supply companies

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Comparing Electricity Supply Companies' Late Payment Charges

Company Name Late Payment Charges
Direct Energy 1.5 % interest compounded monthly
Direct Energy Regulated Services  1.5 % interest compounded monthly
ENMAX Power Corp (RRO) One-time 3.25% late payment fee
ENMAX (Easymax & RRO) One-time 3.25% late payment fee
EPCOR (RRO) 2.5 % interest compounded monthly
Encor by EPCOR 2.5 % interest compounded monthly
Just Energy 2.5 % interest compounded monthly

Comparing Gas Supply Companies' Customer Service Hours

Company Name Customer Service Hours
AltaGas Utilities 1.5 % interest compounded monthly
Direct Energy 1.5 % interest compounded monthly
Direct Energy Regulated Services 1.5 % interest compounded monthly
ENMAX (retail) 1.5 % interest compounded monthly
Encor by EPCOR 2.5 % interest compounded monthly
Just Energy 2.5 % interest compounded monthly

Late Payment Charges Comparison


As you can see, monthly compounded interest can quickly add up. If you think you will be unable to pay your bill, you should contact your energy supplier as soon as possible to see about making payment arrangements. Find out more about what happens when you don't pay your energy bill in Alberta.