Dual Fuel Energy Plans

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Some competitive energy retailers offer combined electricity and natural gas supply in one package. These plans offer the convenience of receiving both types of energy charges on the same bill. Is a dual fuel plan right for you?

What is a Dual Fuel Plan for Energy?

A dual fual plan is a contract for both electricity and natural gas supply from the same supplier. These contracts tend to be at fixed rates, though some offer the possibility of switching to flexible rates if you change your mind. Dual fuel price plans tend to be longer term, with offers ranging from three to five years. Note that only competitive energy retailers are able to offer dual fuel contracts; depending on where you live in Alberta your regulated rate provider may provide both electricity and gas, but this is not necessarily the case throughout Alberta.

Competitive energy retailers offer different combinations of prices for dual fuel plans:

Fixed Price for Both Electricity and Gas

Approximately one quarter of customers on dual fuel plans are on a fixed price for both electricity and natural gas. A fixed price dual fuel contract offers the advantages of fixed electricity and fixed gas contracts, plus the convenience of receiving your energy supply from the same supplier. How

Floating Electricity, Fixed Gas

Less than 1% of customers on a dual fuel plan have purchased the combination of floating electricity rates with a fixed gas price. Given the recent history of falling gas prices, we do not recommend a fixed rate for natural gas.

Fixed Electricity, Floating Gas

The vast majority - 58% - of customers on a dual fuel contract have purchased one with a fixed electricity and floating gas rate. The advantage of this combination is that it shields from volatile electricity prices, but allows customers to take advantage of market prices for natural gas (which on the whole are falling).

Floating Prices for Both Electricity and Gas

19% of customers on a dual fuel plan have purchased a contract for floating rates for both electricity and natural gas. This combination allows customers to take advantage of market prices for energy, but offers no protection from price volatility.

Which Suppliers Offer Dual Fuel Plans?

Currently only the larger competitive energy retailers offer dual fuel plans: Direct Energy, ENMAX, Encor by EPCOR, and Just Energy.

Why Choose a Dual Fuel Plan?

Did you know?
About 78% of customers on competitive contracts are on dual fuel plans

The main attraction of dual fuel price plans is the convenience of dealing with one company for your natural gas and electricity supply bill. This can save time when you are paying your bill, as well possibly making things simpler if you have any questions about your energy. Some competitive retailers also offer reduced administration fees for their combined electricity-gas supply plans. They also tend to offer numerous add-ons to make the plans more attractive, from Air Miles to one year of free electricity.

What Else Should I Be Aware of About Dual Fuel Plans?

The main thing to be aware of regarding dual fuel price plans is the exit fee. On cancellation of a contract, competitive retailers may charge an exit fee per site (electricity or the natural gas meter). If you are on a combined contract and decide to end it before its term, you may have to pay an early exit fee twice. If cancellation fees concern you, make sure to check this point with the competitive retail plan that you are interested in. Some retailers allow you to switch to a different plan at no cost, which be way of avoiding paying expensive cancellation fees. You should also be aware of the terms under which you are able cancel without any fees. Find out more about cancellation fees and leaving your contract

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