Directory of Electric Utilities in British Columbia
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min reading
Most of the electricity system in British Columbia is owned and operated by the vertically-integrated crown corporation, BC Hydro. There are three utilities in BC:
- BC Hydro: the main utility in BC
- FortisBC: supplying a number of communities in the Kootenay region
- New Westminster Utilities Department for the city of New Westminster
Find out more about energy in British Columbia!
To check the utility in your community and their contact info, please choose from the list below:
- 100 Mile House
- 108 Mile Ranch
- 150 Mile House
- 70 Mile House
- Abbotsford
- Abbottsford
- Agassiz
- Ahahswinis
- Ahousat
- Ainsworth
- Ainsworth Hot Springs
- Aiyansh
- Alberni
- Alberni-Clayoquot
- Albert Canyon
- Albion
- Albreda
- Aldergrove
- Aldergrove Langley
- Alert Bay
- Alexandria
- Alexis Creek
- Aleza Lake
- Alice Arm
- Alkali Lake
- Alliford Bay
- Allison Harbour
- Alluvia
- Alta Lake
- Altona
- Alvin
- Anahim Lake
- Anglemont
- Anmore
- Anyox
- Argenta
- Armstrong
- Arrandale
- Arras
- Arrowhead
- Ashcroft
- Aspen Grove
- Athalmer
- Athelmer
- Atlin
- Atnarko
- Attachie
- Avola
- Babine
- Babine Portage
- Bainbridge
- Baldonnel
- Baldy Hughes
- Balfour
- Bamberton
- Bamfield
- Barkerville
- Barnet
- Barrett
- Barrett Lake
- Barri
- Barriere
- Beament
- Bear Flat
- Bear Lake
- Beaton
- Beaver
- Beaver Cove
- Beaverdell
- Beaverley
- Beavermouth
- Bednesti
- Belcarra
- Bella Bella
- Bella Coola
- Bellakula
- Bend
- Big Bay
- Big Creek
- Big Lake Ranch
- Birken
- Black Creek
- Black Pines
- Black Pool
- Blaeberry
- Blind Bay
- Blind Channel
- Bliss Landing
- Bloedel
- Blubber Bay
- Blucher Hall
- Blue River
- Boat Basin
- Bold Point
- Boston Bar
- Boswell
- Boundary
- Bowen Island
- Bowser
- Brackendale
- Bradner
- Bralorne
- Brentwood Bay
- Brentwood P.o
- Bridesville
- Bridge Lake
- Bridge River
- Brisco
- Britannia Beach
- Buffalo Creek
- Buick
- Bulkley Canyon
- bulkley-Nechako
- Bull River
- Burnaby
- Burns Lake
- Burrard Inlet
- Burton
- Butedale
- Cachalot
- Cache Creek
- Campbell Island
- Campbell River
- Canal Flats
- Canim Lake
- Canoe
- Canyon
- Canyon City
- Cape Scott
- Capilano
- Cariboo
- Caribou Hide
- Carmi
- Carnaby
- Cascade
- Cassiar
- Cassidy
- Cassidy Siding
- Cassidy's
- Castlegar
- Cawston
- Cayoosh Flat
- Cecil Lake
- Cedar
- Cedarvale
- Ceepeecee
- Celista
- Central Kootenay
- Central Okanagan
- Central Saanich
- Centre Island
- Centreville
- Charlie Lake
- Chase
- Chawathil
- Cheam
- Chee House
- Chemainus
- Cherryville
- Chetwynd
- Chief Lake
- Chilanko Forks
- Chilliwack
- China Hat
- Christina Lake
- Church House
- Chutine Landing
- Cinema
- City Of Vancouver
- Claxton
- Clayburn
- Clayhurst
- Clayoquot
- Clearbrook
- Clearwater
- Clearwater Station
- Cliffside
- Clinton
- Clo-Oose
- cloverdale
- Coal Creek
- Coal Harbour
- Coalmont
- Cobble Hill
- Coldstream
- Cole Bay
- Colebrook
- Colleymount
- Columbia-Shuswap
- Colvilletown
- Colwood
- Comax
- Comox
- Comox-Strathcona
- Comuck
- Coombs
- Copper City
- Copper Creek
- Copper Mountain
- Copper Post
- Copper River
- Coquitlam
- Cortes Bay
- Cottonwood
- Courtenay
- Cowichan
- Cowichan Bay
- Cowichan Station
- Cowichan Valley
- Coyle
- Cracroft
- Cranbrook
- Crawford Bay
- Crescent Spur
- Crescent Valley
- Creston
- Criss Creek
- Crofton
- Croydon Station
- Cultus Lake
- Cumberland
- Curzon
- d'Arcy
- Darfield
- Dawson Creek
- Dawsons Landing
- Dease Lake
- Decker Lake
- Defot
- Delta
- Denman Island
- Denny Island
- Deroche
- Dewdney
- Dist. Of Squamish
- Doe River
- Dog Creek
- Dome Creek
- Donald Landing
- Donald Station
- Dorreen
- Dot
- Doughty
- Douglas Lake
- Duck Lake
- Duncan
- Duncan Bay
- Dunster
- Eagle Bay
- Eagle Creek
- Eagle Harbour
- East Kelowna
- East Kootenay
- East Pine
- east Vancouver
- Ecstew
- Edgewater
- Edgewood
- Egmont
- Egnell
- Egnell's
- Egnelle
- Eholt
- Elkford
- Elko
- Endako
- Enderby
- Engen
- Englewood
- Erickson
- Errington
- Esperanza
- esquimalt
- Essondale
- Evelyn
- Exstew
- Extension
- Fairmont Hot Springs
- Falkland
- Falls Creek
- False Bay
- Fanny Bay
- Farmington
- Farrell Creek
- Fauquier
- Fellers Heights
- Ferguson
- Fernie
- Field
- Finlay
- Finlay Forks
- Finlay Junction
- Finmoore
- Fireside
- Firvale
- Fishermans Cove
- Flagstone
- Fmo Victoria
- Foch
- Fontas
- Forest Grove
- Forestdale
- Fort Babine
- Fort Connelly
- Fort Fraser
- Fort Graham
- Fort Grahame
- Fort Halkett
- Fort James
- Fort Langley
- Fort Mcleod
- Fort Nelson
- Fort Nelson-Liard
- Fort Saint James
- Fort Saint John
- Fort St. James
- Fort St. John
- Fort Steele
- Fort Ware
- Fowler
- Francois Lake
- Franklin Camp
- Fraser Lake
- Fraser Valley
- Fraser-Fort George
- Fruitvale
- Fulford
- Fulford Harbour
- Fulton River
- Furry Creek
- Gabriola
- Galbraith
- Galena
- Galiano
- Galloway
- Gambrier Harbour
- Gang Ranch
- Ganges
- Garden Bay
- Garibaldi
- Garibaldi Highlands
- Genelle
- Germansen Landing
- Gerrard
- Gibson's Landing
- Gibsons
- Gillies Bay
- Giscom
- Gitwinksihlkw
- Glacier
- Glendale Cove
- Glenora
- Goat River
- Gold Bar
- Gold Bridge
- Gold River
- Golden
- Goldstream
- Goldstream Station
- Good Hope Lake
- Goodlow
- Grand Forks
- Granisle
- Granite Bay
- Granthams Landing
- Grasmere
- Grassy Plains
- Gray Creek
- Great Central
- Greater Vancouver
- Greenslide
- Greenville
- Greenwood
- Grindrod
- Groundbirch
- Hagensborg
- Haida
- Haisla
- Halcyon
- Halcyon Hot Springs
- Halfmoon Bay
- Hanceville
- Harmac
- Harrison Hot Springs
- Harrison Mills
- Harrogate
- Hartley Bay
- Hatzic
- Haysport
- Hazelton
- Headquarters
- Hecate
- Hedley
- Heffley Creek
- Hendrix Lake
- Heriot Bay
- Highlands
- Hillier
- Hilliers
- Hixon
- Holberg
- Hollyburn
- Honeymoon Bay
- Hope
- Hopkins Landing
- Hornby Island
- Horse Shoe
- Horsefly
- horseshoe Bay
- Hosmer
- Hot Springs Cove
- Houston
- Howser
- Hudson Hope
- Hudson's Hope
- Huntingdon
- Hunts Inlet
- Hutton
- Hydraulic
- Hyland Post
- Hylands Post
- Inklin
- Invermere
- Ioco
- Irvines Landing
- Iskut
- Isle Pierre
- Isnardy
- Jackson Bay
- Jacksons Landing
- Jade City
- Jaffray
- Jap Inlet
- Jedway
- Jeune Landing
- Jordan River
- Juskatla
- Kakawis
- Kaleden
- Kamloops
- Kaslo
- Katzie
- Keithley Creek
- Kelly Lake
- Kelowna
- Kelsey Bay
- Kemano
- kent
- Keremeos
- Kettle Valley
- Kildonan
- Kimberley
- Kimberly
- Kincolith
- Kingcome Inlet
- Kingsgate
- Kinnaird
- Kiokh
- Kisgegas
- Kispiox
- Kitamaat
- Kitchener
- Kitchener Mcconnel
- Kitimat
- Kitimat Mission
- Kitimat-Stikine
- Kitkatla
- Kitsault
- Kitwanga
- Kleena Kleene
- Klemtoo
- Klemtu
- Knight Inlet
- Knutsford
- Kokish
- Koksilah
- Komoux
- Kootenay Bay
- Kootenay Boundary
- Kootenay Junction
- Kootenay Landing
- Kuldo
- Kyuquot
- Lac la Hache
- Lac le Jeune
- Ladner
- Ladysmith
- Lake Country
- Lake Cowichan
- Lake Errock
- Lake Windermere
- Lakelse
- Laketon
- Langford
- Langford Station
- Langley
- Langley Twp
- Lantzville
- Lardeau
- Lardo
- Lasqueti
- Lavington
- Lawn Hill Post Office
- Lawnhill
- Lax Kw'Alaams
- Lazo
- Leanchoil
- Lemieux
- Lempriere
- Leo Creek
- Leon
- Likely
- Lillooet
- Lily Lake
- Lindell Beach
- Lions Bay
- Lister
- Little Fort
- Little Prairie
- Lockeport
- Logan Lake
- Lone Butte
- Longworth
- Loos
- Louis Creek
- Lower Nicola
- Lower Post
- Lucerne
- Lumby
- Lund
- Lynn Creek
- Lytton
- Mabel Lake
- Macalister
- Mackenzie
- Madeira Park
- Mahatta River
- Mahood Falls
- Malahat
- Malakwa
- Mamette Lake
- Manning Park
- Manson Creek
- Mansons Landing
- Mapes
- Maple Ridge
- Maple Ridge District Municipality
- Mara
- Margaret Bay
- Marilla
- Marktosis
- Marysville
- Masset
- Massett
- Matsqui
- Mayne
- Mazama
- Mcbride
- Mcconnel
- Mcconnell Creek
- Mcdame
- Mcdame Creek
- Mcdames Creek
- Mcgillivray
- Mcgillivray Falls
- Mcleese Lake
- Mcleod Lake
- Mclure
- Mcmurdo
- Mcmurphy
- Meadow Creek
- Merrit
- Merritt
- Merville
- Mesachie Lake
- Metchosin
- Methlakahtla
- Metla Catla
- Metla Catlah
- Metla-Kathla
- Metlah Catlah
- Metlakatla
- Meziadin Lake
- Mica Creek
- Middle River Village
- Midway
- Mill Bay
- Milner
- Milnes Landing
- Minstrel Island
- Miocene
- Mission
- Mission City
- Moberly Lake
- Moha
- Monte Creek
- Monte Lake
- Montney
- Montrose
- Mooyie
- Moricetown
- Morricetown
- Mount Cartier
- Mount Currie
- Mount Lehman
- Mount Robson
- Moyie
- Mr Maple Ridge
- Mud River
- Muncho Lake
- Murdale
- Muskwa
- Musqueam
- N Vancouver
- N. Delta
- Naden
- Nadina River
- Nadu
- Nadu River
- Nahlin
- Nakina
- Nakusp
- Namu
- Nanaimo
- Nanaimo River
- Nanaimo Town
- Nancut
- Nanoose Bay
- Nanymo
- Naramata
- Nass Camp
- Nass Harbour
- Natal
- Nazko
- Nechacco
- Needles
- Nelson
- Nelson Forks
- Nemaiah Valley
- Neskainlith
- New Bella Bella
- New Denver
- New Hazelton
- New Hazelton Station
- New Westminster
- Newgate
- Newlands Station
- Newton
- Nig Creek
- Nimpo Lake
- Nithi River
- Nitwanga
- Nodales
- Nootka
- Noralee
- North Bend
- North Burnaby
- north Cowichan
- North Delta
- North Kamloops
- North Okanagan
- North Pine
- North Saanich
- North Surrey
- North Vancouver
- North Vancouver District
- O'Brian Bay
- Oak Bay
- Ocean Falls
- Ochiltree
- Okanagan
- Okanagan Centre
- Okanagan Falls
- Okanagan Landing
- Okanagan Mission
- Okanagan-Similkameen
- Okanogan
- Old Fort
- Old Hogem
- Oliver
- One Hundred Fifty Mile House
- One Hundred Mile House
- Oona River
- Ootischenia
- Ootsa Lake
- Osland
- Osoyoos
- Owikeno
- Oyama
- Pacific
- Pacofi
- Palling
- Panorama
- Parksville
- Parson
- Passmore
- Pavilion
- Peace River
- Peachland
- Pemberton
- Pemberton Meadows
- Pender Island
- Penny
- Penticton
- Perow
- Phillips Arm
- Pike
- Pinantan
- Pinantan Lake
- Pinchi
- Pine Valley
- Pink Mountain
- Pitt Meadows
- Pm Port Moody
- Poplar Creek
- Port Alberni
- Port Alice
- Port Belmont
- Port Clements
- Port Coquitlam
- Port Edward
- Port Essington
- Port Hardy
- Port Mann
- Port Mcneill
- Port Mellon
- Port Moody
- Port Neville
- Port Progress
- Port Renfrew
- Port Simpson
- Port Washington
- Porter
- Porter Landing
- Porter's
- Pouce Coup
- Pouce Coupe
- Powell River
- Premier
- Prespatou
- Prince George
- Prince Rupert
- Princeton
- Pritchard
- Procter
- Proctor
- Progress
- Prophet River
- Provincial Cannery
- Punchaw
- Qualicum
- Qualicum Beach
- Quathiaski Cove
- Quatsino
- Queen Charlotte
- Quesnel
- Quilchena
- Quinsam
- Radium Hot Springs
- Read Island
- Red Pass
- Red Pass Junction
- Red Rock
- Redonda Bay
- Redroofs
- Redstone
- Refuge Bay
- Refuge Cove
- Remac
- Revelstoke
- Rexmount
- Ri Richmond
- Richmond
- Riondel
- Riske Creek
- Rivers Inlet
- Roberts Creek
- Robson
- Rock Bay
- Rock Creek
- Roger's Pass
- Rogers
- Rolla
- Rolla Landing
- Rose Harbour
- Rose Lake
- Rose Prairie
- Rosedale
- Rossland
- Rosswood
- Roy
- Royston
- Ruskin
- Saanich
- Saanich Central
- Saanichton
- Saint Leon
- Salmo
- Salmon Arm
- Salmon Valley
- Salt Spring Island
- San Josef
- San Josef Bay
- San Joseph Bay
- Sandspit
- Sardis
- Saseenos
- Saseenos Station
- Saturna
- Savary Island
- Savona
- Savory
- Sayward
- Schkam
- Scotch Creek
- Seaton
- Sechelt
- Seechelt
- Seton Lake
- Seton Portage
- Seventy Mile
- Sewell Inlet
- Seymour Arm
- Seymour Creek
- Shalalth
- Shawnigan Lake
- Shearer Dale
- Shelley
- Sheraton
- Shere
- Sheslay
- Shoal Bay
- Shookumchuk
- Shoreacres
- Shushartie
- Shuswap
- Sicamous
- Sicamous-Seymour
- Sidney
- Sidney Inlet
- Silver Star Mountain
- Silverton
- Simoom Sound
- Simoon Sound
- Sinclair Mills
- Sirdad Junction
- Sirdar
- Six Mile Creek
- Skeena
- Skidegate
- Skookumchuck
- Skowkale
- Skway
- Slocan
- Slocan Park
- Smithers
- Snake River
- Soda Creek
- Sointula
- Sooke
- Sorrento
- South Aldergrove
- South Burnaby
- South Hazelton
- South Slocan
- South Surrey
- South Surrey White Rock
- South Wellington
- Southbank
- Spallumcheen
- Sparwood
- Spences Bridge
- Spillimacheen
- Springhouse
- Spuzzum
- Squamish
- squamish-Lillooet
- Squiaala
- Squilax
- Squirrel Cove
- Steele
- Stephen
- Steveston
- Stewardson Inlet
- Stewart
- Stillwater
- Strathnaver
- Streatham
- Stuart Island
- Stuart Portage
- Stuie
- Sturdies Bay
- Sullivan Bay
- Summerland
- Summit Lake
- Sun Peaks
- Sunset Prairie
- Sunshine Coast
- Suquash
- Surf Inlet
- Surge Narrows
- Surprise
- Surrey
- Swansea Point
- Sydney
- Sydney Inlet
- T
- Ta Ta Creek
- Tachie
- Taft
- Tahsis
- Takla Landing
- Takysie Lake
- Tappen
- Tasu
- Tatalrose
- Tatla Lake
- Tatlayoka Lake
- Tatlayoko Lake
- Taylor
- Tchesinkut Lake
- Telegraph Cove
- Telegraph Creek
- Telkwa
- Terrace
- Thalia
- Thetis Island
- Thompson Sound
- thompson-Nicola
- Thornhill
- Thrums
- Thunder River
- Thurlow
- Tintagel
- Tlell
- Toad River
- Toad River Post
- Toba
- Tofino
- Tomslake
- Topley
- Tow Hill
- Trail
- Tranquille
- Trapp Lake
- Trout Lake
- Tsahaheh
- Tsawwassen
- Tulameen
- Tulameen City
- Tulsequah
- Tumbler Ridge
- Tupper
- Tw Tsawwassen
- Two Rivers
- Tzeachten
- Ubc Vancouver
- Ucluelet
- Union Bay
- University Endowment Area
- Upper Fraser
- Upper Squamish
- Usk
- Valemount
- Vallican
- Van
- Van Anda
- Van Winkle
- Vananda
- Vancouver
- Vancouver Int'L. Airport
- vancouver Ubc
- Vanderhoof
- Vavenby
- Vedder Crossing
- Vernon
- Victoria
- Victoria Sooke
- View Royal
- W Vancouver
- Wadhams
- Waglisla
- Walcott
- Walhachin
- Wardner
- Ware
- Warfield
- Wasa
- Watson Island
- Wellington
- Wells
- West Vancouver
- Westbank
- Westbay Esquimalt
- Westbridge
- Westholm
- Westholme
- Westview
- Westwold
- Whaletown
- Whalley
- Whistler
- White Rock
- Whitewater
- Whonnock
- Whytecliff
- William Lake
- Williams Lake
- Willow River
- Windermere
- Winfield
- Winlaw
- Winter Harbour
- Wistaria
- Wonowon
- Wood Fibre
- Woodcock
- Woodpecker
- Woss
- Wright
- Wyatt Bay
- Wycliffe
- Wynndel
- Yahk
- Yale
- Yarrow
- Ymir
- Youbou
- Zeballos