New Gas Service Installation With Enbridge

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You've decided that you would like to install natural gas service for your property, and you have determined that Enbridge is your natural gas distributor. What are the steps you need to take to get connected?

 Find out if there is a natural gas line near you

First call Enbridge at 1-888-427-8888. If gas is not available on the street of your property, call the Enbridge Sales Enquiry Centre at 1-888-427-8888 to confirm if you can still receive gas.

 Find a licenced HVAC contractor and submit a gas service application

Both the Technical Standards and Safety Authority (TSSA) and the Heating, Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Institute of Canada (HRAI) can provide you with lists of certified HVAC professionals who will be able to hook up your gas appliances.

 Submit a gas service application

Either your HVAC contractor or you will have to make an application for gas service. It is important that all requested measurements are accurate in order to avoid any delays. You will need to provide the following information for the application:


  • Your name, address, and contact information (telephone number, email address)
  • Square footage of the building
  • The name of your contractor and contact information
  • Where the gas meter will be installed (on which wall), and the distance from the property line to the face of the building
  • The closest main intersection

 Confirmation of Installation Costs

Once the application for service has been accepted, Enbridge will visit your property to verify the new meter location and identify any underground utilities (e.g. sprinkler system). If any complications to the installation are identified, you may be required to contribute to the installation. Enbridge will process the application once the proposed gas line installation has been field costed and accepted by you. It can take between 7 and 12 weeks for the application to be processed, and even longer in some areas of high demand (e.g. GTA and Eastern Ontario/Ottawa area).

 Book Your Inspection

Your contractor will install your gas appliances once your property is connected to the gas line. These must be inspected and approved by Enbridge to ensure that the installation meets all applicable codes and standards. You can call Enbridge at 1-877-362-7434 to book an appointment for inspection (this can be done on the same day as when your gas appliances are hooked up).

Either you or your HVAC contractor will book the inspection.


One the day of the gas installation, the road to your property will be blocked off for safety purposes. Efforts will be made to restore the state of your property once digging and the installation of your gas meter are finished.

 Inspection Inspection of the gas meter and the gas appliances that have been installed by your contractor is mandatory. The first inspection is free, but Enbridge will charge you for any secondary inspections (if there is a problem with the gas appliance).

 Enjoy the benefits of your gas connection!

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