Your Just Energy Account: Open, Move, End a Contract, Late Payment, and More

Signing a Contract with Just Energy
To sign a contract with Just Energy, you will need to provide the following information:
- Service address
- Your name and basic contact information (telephone number, email address)
- Move-in date
- Whether you rent or own the property
You may also need to provide your driver's licence number, or another piece of government-issued identification.
It can take up to 90 days for your account to be transferred to Just Energy from your utility, but usually takes one to two months.
Security Deposit
Just Energy may ask you for a security deposit upon starting a contract. The maximum security deposit amount that can be asked for in Alberta is 30% of the estimated yearly consumption (for both electricity and gas). Just Energy may do a credit check to determine how much of a deposit they will require from a new customer.
The security deposit is held for 12 months, starting from the due date of the deposit (and not the starting date of service, which could be a different date). Just Energy will return your security deposit to you with interest after 12 months of good payment bills (12 consecutive months of paying your bills in full and on time).
Your Service with Just Energy
Meter Reading
As an energy retailer, Just Energy is not responsible for your meter. Your local wire services provider (distribution company) will continue reading and maintaining your meter if you sign a contract with Just Energy or any other energy retail company.
Late Payment
Just Energy charges a 2.5% late payment charge compounded monthly on the outstanding portion of your bill as of 20 days after the bill date. Just Energy will charge a minimum $25 fee as well as late fees for for dishonoured payments (bounced cheque, failed automatic withdrawal). The late payment charges and amount owing will be added to the next monthly bill. If you continue to not pay your bill, Just Energy may pursue collection action (see below).
What happens if I don't pay my bill?
Find out what happens when you don't pay your electricity bill in Alberta.
Just Energy may pursue the following action of you do not pay your bill:
- Just Energy may cancel your contract and charge you an Early Exit Fee. They may use any security deposit you paid to recover the amounts owing
- Just Energy may use collection agencies or legal action to recover amounts owing (including Early Exit Fees)
You should contact Just Energy as soon as possible if you are not sure if you will be able to pay your bill.
Automatic Renewal
Just Energy Terms and Conditions allow for the possibility of renewing your contract once for a maximum of 12 months. Just Energy must give you notice of the renewal and rates and charges between six (6) months and 30 days of the renewal date. You can cancel the renewed contract at any time without penalty if you give 15 days' notice.
Moving Your Just Energy Account
You should provide 45 days' notice for a change of address within an area served by Just Energy. You will be responsible for any interruption in service and associated costs if you do not provide 45 days’ notice. To let Just Energy know of an upcoming move you should email Customer Service at [email protected] or call at 1-866-587-8674. You can also notify Just Energy through your online account.
Closing Your Just Energy Account
If you are moving out of the province or to an area in which Just Energy doesn't provide service, your contract will end on the date of your move at no liability to you or Just Energy. Otherwise, Just Energy charges an Early Exit Fee for closing your account before the end of your contract. The Early Exit Fee applies to both electricity and gas and is charged per site. It is based on Just Energy's calculation of your anticipated energy consumption for the remainder of your contract at a rate of $1.50/GJ for gas or 1.5¢/kWh electricity, but capped at a maximum of $75 per year or partial year left on the contract. You need to provide at least 30 days’ notice to end your contract.
You can, however, end the contract without having to pay the Early Exit Fee under the following conditions:
- You decide to leave the contract within 10 days of having signed it
- If you entered into the contract over the phone, within 60 days of having received the first bill
- You are already on a retail energy contract with another supplier (and the contract does not expire on or before the date that you will start your contract with Just Energy
Learn more about signing a contract in Alberta
To close your account you can call Just Energy at 1-866-587-8674, or email [email protected].